Most of the pictures shown here were taken by my brother Christof, and i have a bad memory, so sometimes i am not sure what they actually show, sorry.
Click on the pictures to see the unshrinked versions (1600*1200 pixels)!
Matthias Domin (that's me, to the right) talking with Robert Demming about Clicks! (running on the Jaguar in the middle of the picture) and other Jaguar-projects:
The rest of my Jaguar-table:
A second Jaguar running Glenn Bruner's JagAds 2.0 (released by Songbird Productions) and my PC used for Atari-related development.
At the wall you can see the Eerivale-poster and Euro-Jagfest-t-shirts sold by Björn Baranski.
To raise more attention i had brought along cardboard-pillars and flyers advertising JagAds2.0 and Clicks!:
This is the Jaguar (equipped with one of my self-designed FLASH-cards) running Clicks! all the time because of the great interest of the audience, so i never found the opportunity to show the PS/2-device-adapter which was connected to the PS/2-keyboard you see on top of the tv-set:
Peter Ghiea's table (Jaguar and TV-set), the TV-set was quite often misused for running Arethius' Playstation2-games:
Arethius' stand, beside the above mentioned Playstation2 he had brought along a Nuon and a notebook on which they run a guestbook:
Mad Butcher's triple atari tower:
Nick Harlow (to the right) of 16/32 Systems had tons of Atari stuff on sale:
Robert Demming and Gatjan Demming had brought along a Samsung-Nuon, which wasn't the only Nuon at the Euro-Jagfest:
Rene de Bie (TXG/MNX), Peter Ghiea and Lars Hannig (Starcat) (from left to right):
Björn Spruck (Sage, with the light blue stripes on the shirt) showing off his Lynx-projects like Lynx Reloaded, the CGE Slideshow and Push Around The World:
One of those cool painted Jaguars:
This setup was used for the Jaguar-tournaments:
Lars (Starcat) Hannig's adventure Eerivale for the Jaguar :
Lars (Starcat) Hannig's Jaguar development system (2MB Alpine):
Boxed stuff always looks great!
Again Robert Demming (to the right) and me (Matthias Domin).
On the left side you can see Nick Harlow's (16/32 Systems) table and rigth side Wolf Gross' table (Video Game Source):
Even late in the evening people were still in discussions or trying out the games:
The group-photos, taken in the late evening, some visitors had already left:
Mad Butcher, he run all the tournaments:
Björn Baranski, the local organizer of the Euro-Jagfest 2004 (in the front):
A snapshot of the Clicks!-Hiscore-list of this event:
The credits-screen of this Clicks!-version: