Pictures from Euro-Jagfest 2005

Most of the pictures shown here were taken by my brother Christof, and i have a bad memory, so sometimes i am not sure what they actually show, sorry.
Click on the pictures to see the unshrinked versions (1600*1200 pixels)!

The pictures were taken at the beginning of the show, later in the evening the people arrived and more tables were filled with amazing stuff.

Nick Harlow's tables:

Lars Hannig (Starcat) setting up his tables, he showed a MPEG-movie of Eerivale, and featured his new game JagMind: Bomb Squad.

JagMind: Bomb Squad ready for sale:

The tables of Sandra and Sijmen Schouten:

Another view at the tables of Sandra and Sijmen Schouten:

A closer look at Nick Harlow's tables:

Young peopling wasting their time with ancient video-games:

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